A few years out of college a former manager asked me to come work at a start up with him as a two person marketing team for a global company that had just opened up Silicon Valley offices. I agreed to come on board, despite the hour and a half commute each way from my San Francisco flat to their...
I love words. Words and language fascinate me. We use words every day and assume the other person hearing or reading them is taking away the same meaning from them that we are (though often, this is not the case!) which is exactly why I care so much about defining a term as clearly as...
When I was 16, I read a quote in a travel magazine that felt like a sucker punch to the gut and I’ve never forgotten it. “You only live once, but if you live right, once is enough.” I turned the page looking for the rest of the article. Nothing. You’re kidding me! It was a...
The Courageous Change Check-Up™
Take the quiz and find out which of the 3 links in the Courageous Change Cycle is keeping you from having what you really want.